Category: Lectures
Lezing over Koock-boeck van Antonius Magirus in Amsterdam
Lezing over Vlaamse kookboeken in het Musée Départemental de Flandre, Hazebrouck
On Thursday 5 June I gave a presentation on ‘L’Histoire des livres de recettes en Flandre à l’époque moderne’ during the conference ‘Plateau Gourmand’ in the Musée Municipal d’Hazebrouck in France. The ‘Plateau Gourmand’ conference is part of the exposition ‘Gourmandise’ which takes place from 4 April until 6 Juli in the Musée Départemental de Flandre, temporarily housed in the municipal museum of Hazebrouck in the north of France (the Hôtel de la Noble-Cour in Cassel is undergoing repairs). More information on this exposition, the conference day and other activities you’ll find on the website of the Conseil Général du Nord of France. (Illustratie: ‘Nature morte’ by Jacob Van Es, of of the paintings exhibited.)