In September 2007 Davidsfonds Uitgeverij in Louvain published the commented translation in modern Dutch of Koocboec oft familieren keukenboec by Antonius Magirus from 1612 (ISBN 978 90 5826 5005). Jozef Schildermans and Hilde Sels wrote the introduction and comments and modernized several recipes. Marleen Willebrands translated the text of the Koocboec in modern Dutch and modernized the recipe for ‘mattentaart’. The book is titled Lieve schat, wat vind je lekker? Het Koocboec van Antonius Magirus (1612) en de Italiaanse keuken uit de renaissance, which roughly translates to ‘Sweet dear, what do you fancy? The Koocboec by Antonius Magirus and the Italian kitchen from the renaissance’.
Lieve schat, wat vind je lekker?
In September 2007 Davidsfonds Uitgeverij in Louvain published the commented translation in modern Dutch of Koocboec oft familieren keukenboec by Antonius Magirus from 1612. Jozef Schildermans and Hilde Sels wrote the introduction and comments and modernized several recipes. Marleen Willebrands translated the text of the Koocboec in modern Dutch.