A Mini Timeline of Ancient Foods

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DATELINE: 21K BCE………………………….SUBJECT: When did man first start grinding grains into cereal?

Old thinking was 10K BCE, but archaeologists at hunter-gatherer site Ohalo II in Israel turned up cereal grindings–mostly grass seeds including wild barley and emmer wheat–and burned stones that indicate these early peoples were making and baking bread long before they learned how to cultivate cereal grasses on their own. (Nature, reported in The Economist, 8/7/04) …

See on ancientfoods.wordpress.com

A private alchemy: Cooking as Leonardo did

See on Scoop.itHistorical gastronomy

Only in 1981 the precious Codex Romanoff was discovered. This was where Leonardo used to take note of these recipes and thoughts on cookery and etiquette. The codex also shows diverse projects for machines, designed by Leonardo himself, as aids in kitchen work. These are absolutely amazing gadgets. From the spaghetti stretcher to the pepper grinder inspired by the Sforza tower, this manuscript is an amazing source, not only for the cooking tradition of the Italian 16th century, but also a mirror which reflects another facet of his genius!

See on aprivatealchemy.blogspot.fr

How to Hang a Pheasant

See on Scoop.itHistorical gastronomy

Off to the library. I took a systematic look at the science of hanging game birds. One of my idiosyncrasies (I have many) is that I collect game cookery books. I have many, and several discuss hanging game birds. The great Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin doesn’t give a timetable, but says, …

See on honest-food.net

A Brief History of Bread

See on Scoop.itHistorical gastronomy

Bread started out as porridge – cooked grain pastes. Prehistoric peoples were grinding grain; a millstone thought to be 7,500 years old has been discovered. Two important discoveries led the way to bread (not to mention noodles and pastries). The first was turning those simple pastes into flatbreads by cooking on a hot stone. The second was natural fermentation of the grain paste by wild yeast spores.

See on www.infobarrel.com