Long before you could pull up an ingredient list on your phone in the grocery store or email a link to a must-make recipe to your sister across the country, women shared favorites through paperback community cookbooks . These cookbooks were more than just a compilation of typed recipes; […]
The Not So Holly Jolly History of Gingerbread
Secondo lo storico della gastronomia Tori Avey, le prime ricette di pan di zenzero risalgono al 2400 a.C. I biscotti induriti a cui pensiamo oggi, tuttavia, non sono nati in Europa fino al Medioevo, quando i biscotti di pan di zenzero sono diventati un alimento base delle fiere locali. I biscotti di pan di zenzero tendevano a cambiare forma a seconda della stagione; gli uccelli erano comuni in autunno, per esempio, così come i fiori in primavera. Ma i biscotti avevano spesso anche la forma di animali o royalty, e non era raro che la nobiltà, oltre alla glassa, vestisse i biscotti con foglie d’oro. […]
Le ricette più antiche al mondo decodificate
A team of international scholars versed in culinary history, food chemistry and cuneiform studies has been recreating dishes from the world’s oldest-known recipes. The evolution of a lamb stew, me-e puhadi, is still prevalent in Iraq today. The evolution of a lamb stew, me-e puhadi, is still prevalent in Iraq today (Credit: Credit: The Yarvin Kitchen/Alamy) The instructions for lamb stew read more like a list of ingredients than a bona fide recipe: “Meat is used. You prepare water. You add fine-grained salt, dried barley cakes, […]
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No, il gelato alla vaniglia non era nero
Vanilla ice cream used to be black, but racism turned it white, according to a Facebook post that credits someone’s grandmother as the source for this tidbit of supposed culinary history. “My grandma lived to be 102,” the May 15 post says. “She told us in her days, the […]
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