Biblioteca Università di Lovanio ottiene la prima edizione della Koocboec

La Biblioteca Universitaria di KU Leuven aggiunge una copia della prima edizione del Koocboec alla sua collezione. L’acquisizione è stata finanziata dal Jan Roegiersfonds, fondata dall’ex capo bibliotecario dell’università.

Garrelt Verhoeven met het 'Koocboec' van Magirus
Garrelt Verhoeven con una copia della 1 ° edizione del ‘Koocboec’ di Magirus recentemente acquisita dal KU Leuven. L’importante libro di cucina è stato stampato prima a Lovanio nel 1612. – Foto: Rob Stevens – (c) KU Leuven

Zo kun je jouw boodschappen langer bewaren

See on Scoop.itHistorical gastronomy

Het is heerlijk om te koken met verse ingrediënten. Helaas kun je verse producten niet eeuwig bewaren en overkomt het ons wel eens dat we etenswaren weg moeten gooien. Super zonde! Gelukkig zijn er handige tips zodat je jouw producten wat langer kan bewaren. Hieronder delen we ze met jou! Heb jij nog goede bewaartips? […]

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A private alchemy: Cooking as Leonardo did

See on Scoop.itHistorical gastronomy

Only in 1981 the precious Codex Romanoff was discovered. This was where Leonardo used to take note of these recipes and thoughts on cookery and etiquette. The codex also shows diverse projects for machines, designed by Leonardo himself, as aids in kitchen work. These are absolutely amazing gadgets. From the spaghetti stretcher to the pepper grinder inspired by the Sforza tower, this manuscript is an amazing source, not only for the cooking tradition of the Italian 16th century, but also a mirror which reflects another facet of his genius!

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